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Acoustic Research Consulting has years of experience in Audio System development and associated projects, such as transducer integration and performance benchmarking. We offer these services to all relevant markets, particularly consumer audio, automotive audio and product development clients. 

Our Audio Engineering team also offer services relating to the tuning of audio systems once physical systems are available. This is often undertaken in conjunction with objective and subjective performance characterisation and can be compared to target frequency and time response curves. 

Our team of audio experts can also assist with the specification of Thiele Small parameters to suit our clients integration and performance requirements. This allows for driver optimisation within specific enclosures or installation methods. Inversely, Acoustic Research Consulting can also identify the correct acoustic enclosure design for a specific set of T/S parameters. 

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Audio Development Services

Acoustic Research Consulting offer Audio system development services to our clients, including benchmarking, design and tuning.

Our Audio Development department also offers services relating to the use of Automotive audio systems for secondary uses, such as User Experience (UX) purposes, occupant warning systems and pedestrian warning systems (AVAS). Our audio engineers are also highly skilled in Sound Design, whether for the production of test signals, automotive interior / exterior sounds or other purposes. 

Our Audio Engineers also offer system design review services to our clients. This helps to ensure that complete systems are developed to provide optimum performance. Our team also offers software development services for audio reproduction, testing and filtering purposes. 

For our clients who have experienced degradation of audio files and recordings, Acoustic Research Consulting can provide restoration services to maximise the quality of the remaining files. In addition, we also offer the analysis of audio recordings to suit our clients needs. 

  • Audio System Development
  • Benchmarking & Target Setting
  • Subjective Assessment
  • Audio System Tuning
  • Sound Design
  • Theile & Small parameter optimisation
  • User Experience (UX)
  • Audio Software Development
  • Audio Recovery & Restoration
  • Audio File Analysis
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We specialise in the delivery of Acoustic development and engineering projects

Contact us to learn how our Acoustic development experts can help to shape, refine and realise your projects.

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